Popular russian fm radio station live stream with RETRO (70s, 80s, 90s) music, news, jokes.
Low + High streams quality in 48-128kBs. With just one switch movement you are getting the choice to save data or to have the best sound quality available. When Hi-Fi mode is OFF - it is the best option to save the data on your dataplan and this mode is the best for listening through the speaker of your iPhone or iPad. When Hi-Fi mode is on - highest quality 128kbs stream is applied. It is the best option for listening with headphones or hi-fi systems - beware of mobile data usage. Wi-fi is the best option.
Strong 3G/Wi-Fi signal required for non-interrupted streaming.
Original streams provided - most stable stream quality!
Absolutely NO advertisements included!
Simple User Interface!
Change stream quality with just one switch!
Best available streams provided!
Least battery consumption!
Absolutely NO hidden or screen advertisements!